
I used to be a devout Mormon. Now I’m an atheist. But it’s more than that. I don’t believe in anything supernatural. As you can imagine, a transition like that spans a broad range of thoughts and feelings. I try to be mindful of those thoughts and feelings, and hope that writing them out in the public realm will be helpful both for myself and others.

If you’ve never been a Mormon, some of what I write may confuse you. I often fail to provide sources or reference links. Data may be factual or simply be made up. Posts may range from a single thought to a full treatise. What’s contained here is nothing more than my thoughts and feelings at a certain time crammed into text. I like to be corrected when I’m wrong and I’m very open to criticism and shifting my perspectives. So please do chime in as you see fit.

This site is not about the promotion of a persona but rather the dissemination of ideas, musings, and observations. It’s ultimately just another soapbox.
