Monthly Archives: January 2016

Dear Mormon Leaders

This made me bawl. Literally cried tears of pain and sobbed in a way that has only happened a few times in my life.

Tip for Facebook mobile users: Use the option to open the article in your browser instead of within Facebook for better viewing.

NOTE: This post was blocked by Facebook because it goes against their “Community Standards”. This is a big part of why I repost my thoughts here in this blog, where they are under my control and are not subject to bullshit censorship by a cowardly enterprise.

Shallow Mourning in Denial of Responsibility

“‘We mourn with their families and friends when they feel life no longer offers hope,’ senior church leaders said through a spokesman.”

“We mourn” — Pat yourselves on the back.
“They feel” — Blame the victims.

No apologies. No admission of wrongdoing. And speaking through the public relations department.

New offenses, piled on top of former offenses.

Abrahamic Tests

I applaud people who take a stand like this while maintaining their beliefs. Not specifically for maintaining their beliefs, but for taking a stand.

“If nothing else, walk away from this blog piece with a greater compassion and empathy for this very difficult and impossible to understand trial.”

Deconstructing the Supernatural

The number of supernatural happenings in the world seems to be inversely proportional to our ability to rationally explain and reliably record phenomena. Weird.