Monthly Archives: August 2018

Defined By Past

“I’m not defined by my past.”

Yes, you are. It literally defines you.

Church and State

Church and state are like bleach and ammonia. They serve some useful purposes. Do not combine.

Loving Ideas of People

I’m not sure that we actually love people, but rather, ideas we hold of people. And when those ideas of people prove to be wrong, we often feel betrayed by the people, rather than the ideas.

Then again, sometimes I haven’t felt betrayed by those people, even when the reality discovered is harsh. More and more as I grow older. Maybe that’s when we actually love people, when we’re more committed to them than the ideas we hold of them?

Bias Denial

When we deny the existence of our biases and ulterior motives we give them leeway to continue furtively to manipulate us.