
Tonight is the first presidential debate of 2020. I must say that I’m highly disappointed with both candidates. I’m extremely disappointed with both political parties. I test out “Solid Liberal” every time I revisit the “Pew Political Typology Quiz” and I’m voting Biden. However, I think he is one of the worst representatives of my views, just as, I would hope, Trump is one of the worst representatives of the views of those who support him.

We do a poor job of understanding the other side–the evil OTHERS. We see only what is right with “us” and wrong with “them.” We fight. We divide. This human failing has bothered me enough throughout my life that in Spring of 2017 I had the words “BOTH/both” tattooed to my arms as a frequent reminder not to fall for the traps of false dichotomies, tribalism, polarization, black-and-white thinking, etc. It has helped remind me that two views can be both opposing and true at the same time, that the weaker side can have the more powerful argument, that multiple perspectives are always more useful, and that in conflicts we are most often wanting and saying the very same things.

If you think the “others” are evil, please consider that you may have been duped, and are now feeding back into the very worst problems of our current society. Please consider taking this poll, and rather than focusing on YOUR perspective, think about the one you would NOT select. Can you at least understand why some might see things that way? Now look back at your choice. Can you see any issues or shortcomings with it?