Monthly Archives: October 2017

Dark Topics

There aren’t “dark topics.” There are only topics we keep in the dark. Once we bring them into the light, they simply become “topics.” Discussions of them become healthier, correct actions regarding them become more clear, and undue power afforded to them dissipates.

Men Control

How to solve two major issues with one move: Only women can own guns.

Healthy Reactions to Privilege

This is an excellent explanation of privilege.

It’s not excellent at encouraging healthy reactions. I think healthy reactions are gratitude and humility for privileges we enjoy; and compassion and generosity for those without. I think unhealthy reactions are feeling shame or shaming others (or citing books with purported supernatural origins to empower that an agenda).

I also found it very telling that even when race and gender weren’t used in the demonstration, their association with privilege was quickly and clearly observable.

Belief in Suffering Conundrum

If you believe that people deserve to suffer, what do you deserve for believing that, according to your beliefs?

See the problem?