Monthly Archives: March 2019

Nested Boxes

“People are afraid of being trapped inside a box, but they don’t realize that they are already trapped inside a box—their brain—which is locked within the bigger box of human society with its myriad fictions. When you escape the matrix the only thing you discover is a bigger matrix.” -Yuval Noah Harari in 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

The last time I read a book so tightly packed with insight and wisdom was the last time I read a book by this brilliant author.

Good Old Days

You know that “the good old days” may have been good for you, but they weren’t so good for others, right?

Personal reminder to say this thought out loud the next time I hear a white, heterosexual male use that phrase. Also to think this to myself whenever I long for past relationships in which someone else broke up with me.


Person A: Regularly told they are beautiful.

Person B: Rarely or never told they are beautiful.

Person A to Person B: “You need to be more confident!”


Being afraid, doubtful, and insecure through bold moves isn’t a mark against your bravery, but the very weight of it.